Saturday 26 March 2011


Josephine  Just being lowered into the lock, Pat her owner has no fingernails left as his was the first back in the water, At 4.8 tons Josephine was probably the lightest of the boats today. Pats cruising is going to be the south coast this year, weather permitting of course !!

SwingSong Going in at 8.9 tons her owners Phil and Anne are heading for sunnier climes this year, she is Biscay bound for the med. Lets hope n pray they have much better weather than they had last year.

Maria T  Her owners Pete & Celine have been building up to this all year after a horrible 2010 season, locked in on the Isle of Man owing to the atrocious weather, prior to which she miraculously recovered from a near fatal grounding in Hollyhead harbour, after breaking her mooring in the worst storm to hit that area.

Chinook  Coming in as slightly over the weight of Swinsong at close to 10 ton. Her owner Baz (Barry) has lovingly worked on refitting her for the med for the past 2 years, he's struggled through vandalism and weather, even the disappointment of measly sentence for the vandal didn't deter him. I don't know about you? but just the name 'Chinook' brings on feelings of tribalism and doesn't show the depths of luxury aboard this vessel.

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